What’s to come? :3

Hey guys! Unfortunately I have no access to a camera at the moment so I am unable to take any pictures of my figures and therefore cannot review them. Instead I thought I’d create a post letting you all know what to expect from us. Keep checking in and you will see these reviews appearing over the coming weeks and months! 😀

  • Final Fantasy VII Play arts Tifa
  • Final Fantasy VII Play arts Yuffie
  • Final Fantasy VII Play arts Aerith
  • Final Fantasy X Kotobukiya Yuna
  • Ah! My Goddess Kotobukiya Belldandy – “Everybody has wings”
  • Rosario + Vampire Good Smile Moka Akashiya
  • Dynasty Warriors 4 mini-figures (Diao Chan, Da Qiao, Xiao Qiao)
  • Dynasty Warriors 3 mini figure (Zhen Ji)
  • More to add when the time comes! :3

& here is a list of the figures I am considering buying in the future. If anyone has already got them and either recommends, or does not recommend them please leave a comment explaining why! Thanks 😀

  • Good smile Hatsune Miku Natural frame “World is mine”  I just bought this figure and it has been shipped to me! ❤
  • Yuki Nagato Gothic Lolita ver. Griffon
  • Shunya Yashimata Enka Oudo Dao Shogun Hattori Kiriko

p.s guys don’t forget to check for updates on the anime sale! There is a lovely rin kagamine cosplay for sale, perfect for Halloween!

Muramasa The Demon Blade: Momohime 1/8 Scale

When Momohime first was announced and started appearing in online stores, I contemplated buying her quite a few times but always backed out of it. Originally I thought she was part of the new “Samurai Girls” series, however I later discovered she is a relativity new figure released from a rather old Wii game. I have never played the game myself, though I would like to when I have the money to buy it. Next on my list is The new Kingdom Hearts PSP game, and a lovely Miku figurine that I’ve had my eye on for some time.

First things first, the overall colour scheme of this figure is really eye-catching. I love a nice girly pink figure, can’t say i’m too fond of her Turquoise Obi, but apart from that I am very happy. I love the detailing on the flowers complementing her Kimono sleeves, I think these give the overall outfit a little something extra and keeps it from being too plain. One thing that really annoys me about this figure is the pose, yes it is a good idea in theory, though I find that when your are displaying her, her sleeve covers the entire top half of her body!  This is the reason I have taken the pictures a little more to the side, because straight-on you actually cant see much of her.

The stand is a really good idea and has a real unique feel, I really love how the stand is merged into the figure to create a scene. The assembly of the figure was easy enough, however I find that her hand will simply glide off if she is moved about.

As you can see the face isn’t as high quality as the prototype leads you to be, however I can’t be disappointed. I still feel the face is really beautiful, I love the expression, it’s so sweet. Her lips are a very light pink which I really appreciate. (Unlike the Koihime Musou Karin figure! ]:<) The detailing on her head-dress and flowers is top-notch, really looks the part!

Overall score: 8.2/10

This figures is just beautiful and perfect for anyone who doesn’t mind the awkward pose. :3

Click here to buy of Belldandy at Play-Asia.

Samurai Girls: Senhime 1/8 scale

The newest figure I have received is the Samurai girls Senhime (Along with Momohime, but her review will be up later). As she was a gift I’m not entirely sure of her pricing these days, but I have seen it range from £65-£90 or around that area. Samurai Girls was a popular manga I believe, correct me if I’m wrong. It has recently become an anime series, though as far as I’m aware only the first episode has been made so far. I don’t know much about it, having only watched the first ep, but Senhime seems to be very impowered. There are 4 I think in the series of these figures, though if I’m honest Senhime is the only one I like, the others I have seen simply do nothing for me.

As you can see, the actual figure you receive is very similar to the prototype, so much so that i can’t see much different between the two! Her face seems to have more definition on the figure itself, and also the colours shown on the prototype seems to be lighter; this is espically present in her hair. Senhime tends to have an inviting look to her, despite the fact that she has quite a defensive pose and face. I find her very unique, the detailing on her kimono is flawless and I find this to be the most interesting part of the figure. Before getting her I expected the string from her spear to be plastic, however it is an actual string, this gives a nice effect but you will have to be careful to ensure it doesn’t fray. Slipping her spear under her sleeve and into her hand was very easy and smooth, as was slipping her feet onto the stand.

Okay first off, a lot of people are put off this figure due to Senhimes facial expression, and I’m not going to lie I was one of them. Senhime has been out quite a while now, after seeing her for the first time before she was released I didn’t like the expression but over time it has grown on me. I find it to be very unique and actually quite cute, whether its anger or embarrassment she is displaying I’m not to sure, I don’t think many people are.

Overall score: 8.2/10

Senhime is a lovely figure, I would say the best of the series.


Click here to buy Senhime of at Play-Asia.

Final Fantasy X 1/6 scale Lulu

The second in my collection of Final Fantasy X kotobukiya figurines. Personally Lulu is my favourite character from the game (though I am fond of all of them!). It was years ago that I bought this figure, and she came in around $100. Since she is so old I had to dust her off before taking pictures, as I was doing so I noticed some marks on her nose, they are very small but I am really annoyed about it as I have no idea where they have come from. I also noticed it is very hard to dust this lady off as i couldnt find anything small enough to get into her nooks, including in between her breasts!

I would say Lulu overall is highly detailed. The belts on the front of her dress are all different in some way and this is incorporated into the figure. The same goes for the flower design along her sleeves and end of her dress.  Where as she is not the most bright and colourful figures in the world, I feel she gives off a positive vibe. The moogle she holds really compliments the character as well as helping to add a bit of colour. The little red ball at the top of the moogles head isn’t very secure, so be careful when touching it, one slip of the hand and it’d fly right off. What is unique about this figure is the fact that she does not have a stand, she balanced using the train at the back of her dress.

Where as the face sculpturing and expression is very true to the character, something that bothers me a bit is the fact that the bangs on this figure are longer than what they are on the character for some reason. Her hair pins are all highly detailed and look beautiful. Her jewellery rest nicely on her boobies! Again her accessories are bringing colour to the figure.

Overall score: 9/10

Non-non Pink Ver. 1/7

Another one of favourites coming up here. Non-non is an original character design from the artist Shunya Yamashita. He is famous for his beautiful artwork of sexy women and creating characters for the Final fantasy series. This figure itself comes in different colour schemes, the original which is a dark pink and dark blue, the pink version which is the one I own, and the black version. Though different colours all of them are in the same pose as the original artwork.

As you can see the pose from the original artwork is very well represented on this particular figurine. The prototype shown in most places seems to have more colour to it than the actual product, as in the pink in the dress is more present and noticeable whereas an actual fact it is quite fait. Her stand shows lovely oriental style patterns which i really like, the plain black stands that most figures are subjected to really down the quality if you ask me. In the original the back of the dress is long, but in this (and the black) it is short as to show off her panties! >>; This may be a plus for some, a minus for others. Either way I find her to be a stunning figure, I love the pink theme and I prefer this over the black or the original. Her sword can easily be slipped into her hands as the top of it comes off,  it was also clean and simple to attach her to the stand.

I was quite surprised at how lovely the detail was on her face. I love the expression, rather provocative but at the same time capturing that sexy feel without being dirty or perverted which I find very appealing. Her eyes are just gorgeous, I love the long lashes and the detail put into them, this really adds marks onto this figure for me.

Overall score: 8.5/10

If your thinking of buying this figure remember that it is available in different colours, to my knowledge there are also resin figures available of Non-non in the original artwork of the pink version.

Final Fantasy X-2 Yuna 1/6

Quite a common figure this one. I’m sure any fan of the final fantasy figurines has come across this one many times before. This was actually the first ever figure I bought! It was many years ago, and at the time the figure was actually quite expensive but these days it only keeps falling in price. As it is quite a cheap figures, most people believe it to be of low quality, but I am here to speak the truth!!

Here is the full picture of my Yuna figure. As you can see she is almost exactly like the prototype picture that is shown by most sellers and stores. Her pose flows quite well and looks very natural. As far as her side-skirt goes I feel the colouring is a little too dark as in-game it is a much lighter blue. Her top is probably the best part of the figure as it provided great detail in the pink lace and has a very realistic feel with the provided creases fitting the pose. Her guns are also very high in detail and I was very impressed with them.

Well . . as you can see the close up of her face is nothing to shout about. This to me is where the figure has let me down a bit, she virtually has no facial expression at all unfortunately. The eyes have almost no detail and look very bland, the lips also seem to look too thin in my opinion. On the positive side I feel the structure of the face and the placement of its features match Yuna to a T. Another thing I admire is the lovely detail put onto her small earring, though apart from those points I can’t say I’m too happy about the face.

Overall score: 7/10

If your a big fan of Yuna don’t let the cheap price put you off in this case, your getting a really good price for a really beautiful figure.

Click here to buy Yuna at Play-Asia.